Daily Devotionals:
The Grand Narrative
of Scripture
Join leaders and teachers at CFC for daily devotionals as we explore the Grand Narrative of Scripture together, discovering how understanding the Bible as one cohesive story deepens our understanding of our missional role in it.
Devotional videos are approximately 10 minutes in length, created so you can view them as able each day.
Before listening, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to give you insight, helping you see and understand him better.
After listening, consider how what you learned helps you understand your missional identity in Christ in a deeper way.
Day 1: Creation - Led by Grace Long
Day 2: Fall - Led by Luke Guidroz
Day 3: Redemption - Led by Tyler Yother
Day 4: Restoration - Led by Hannah Koehrsen
Day 5: Recap - Led by Whitney and Matt Perrson